Documents and their Working Out

For preparation of real estate deals:

  • Previous documents certifying the title
  • Personal data of the parties according to their identity cards: full name, PIN, identity card number, date of issue, issuing authority, permanent address according to identity card /the easiest way is making copies of the identity cards here, in the notary office/.
  • Technical drawing /scheme/ of the property issued by the Cadastre Agency or the respective Mayoralty, if the property has not been entered on the cadastral map. Technical drawings /schemes/ are valid for a period of six months from the date of their issue and may be re-certified.
  • Certificate of tax assessment for the real estate, issued by Local Taxes and Fees Department of the respective Municipality where the real estate is located. Tax assessment certificates are valid by the end of second quarter, i.e. 30.06., or by the end of the calendar year, i.e. 31.12.

Following documents are needed for performing a real estate deal:

  • Application to the Notary to attest the deal
  • Draft of a Title Deed
  • Declarations pursuant to art. 264, par. 1 of the Tax and Social Security Procedure Code
  • Declarations pursuant to art. 25, par. 8 of the Notaries and Notarial Activities Act /as well as other declarations, depending on the needs for the deal/
  • /These are the documents that we will prepare here, if you decide to assign us with this/
  • Title document (title deed, decision of the Land Commission, registered judicial act, contract of voluntary partition or another title document)
  • Identity document (Identity Card, Driver’s License, Passport)
  • Up-dated Tax Assessment Certificate for the property (issued by Local Taxes and Fees Department of the respective Municipality at the real estate’s location). All co-owners should have paid their debts for the real estate (tax and garbage fee). Tax assessment certificates are valid by the end of second quarter, 30.06., or by the end of the calendar year, 31.12.)
  • Up-dated Technical Drawing /scheme/ of the property issued by the Cadastre Agency or the respective Mayoralty, if the property has not been entered on the cadastral map. Technical drawings /schemes/ are valid for a period of six months from the date of issue and may be re-certified
  • Other documents according to the deal and real estate specifics, e.g. Death Certificate, Certificate of Heirs, Birth Certificate, document showing divorce, Certificate of Marriage, etc.
